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my life as a CAHS peer leader

Early fall semester I decided to take a leap of faith and stand on the idea of giving to something that has given so much to me. I decided to apply to be a UC Peer Leader for first-year students. My peer leader (Alison) made my transition from high school to college much more bearable. She was helpful, and resourceful, and made me feel comfortable to say how I feel and what I think. I decided it was time for me to take the opportunity to do that for someone else. As a peer leader, I took on the responsibility to be a mandatory reporter, a resource for first-year students. Becoming a peer leader sent me straight into Co-op 1000 which was a course that prioritized self-reflection, growth, and professionalism. Check out some of my reflection pieces that came along with the course, and the position! 
*I want to note that I will be sharing my experience has a peer leader once I have a full year of experience and content. I did not believe I had enough content to share after one semester.* 

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